The Pinnacle Award is the highest honor one can receive from the Tennessee Trucking Association and is reserved for those who go above and beyond in their leadership, hard work, and contributions to the trucking industry and trucking associations. It’s an esteemed honor for all who are nominated.

  1. The Pinnacle is a special award to those persons who have made exceptional contributions to the industry and/or association. 
  2. If at all possible, all awards of the Pinnacle Award will be made to deserving persons while these persons are still alive. 
  3. It was agreed that there must be an individual deserving for an award to be made in a given year. If one is not identified then an award will not be made that year. 

Having provided that information, if you know of someone who you think is worthy of this award, then please take a moment to fill out the nomination form. You must submit your nomination form before May 15, 2024 in order for it to be considered.

Thank you for taking the time to consider someone for the Tennessee Trucking Association’s Pinnacle Award!


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