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Two additional documents have been added to the Emergency Declarations Page


Notice to State Drivers Licensing Agencies of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Policy Regarding Effect of Actions during COVID-19 Emergency (See Attached)FAQs CDL Enforcement Discretion 032020 1757

This notice sets forth the Agency’s view of various actions State Drivers Licensing Agencies (SDLA) may exercise during the emergency relating to COVID-19 for which FMCSA would decline to issue a finding or make a determination of substantial non-compliance.  Specifically, the following three issues:

  1. FMCSA will not determine a State to be in substantial non-compliance or issue a finding under 49 CFR Part 384 if the State extends a Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP) or Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) that would otherwise expire during the COVID-19 emergency
  2. States may renew a CDL/CLP online
  3. FMCSA will not determine a State to be in substantial non-compliance or issue a finding if a State does not change the medical certification status to “not certified” or downgrade a CDL/CLP holder whose Medical Examiner’s Certificate has expired during the COVID-19 emergency


Notice of Enforcement Discretion Relating to Temporary Operating Authority  (See Attached)

This notice indicates that FMCSA has exercised agency discretion and determined not to enforce the Temporary Operating Authority Registration fee provisions against those motor carriers requesting Temporary Operating Authority Registration, including passenger carriers requesting temporary authority to transport property, in order to provide direct assistance to the COVID-19 emergency relief efforts.


Previously Issued Documents:


Frequently Asked Questions

As previously mentioned, last night we published some FAQs on the emergency declaration.  For reference, the link is  In addition, a PDF version of the FAQs is attached for your use.


Emergency Declarations Questions

A centralized mailbox is available for questions related to the emergency declaration.  This mailbox is available for both internal and external stakeholders.  The address is

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