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6 Tips to Avoid Road Rage for Truck Drivers



Professional truck drivers spend much more time on the road than the public. As a result, they are more likely to be confronted with aggressive situations involving other drivers. Here are six tips for avoiding or managing road rage.

  1. Managing road rage starts with a calm and relaxed attitude. Give yourself as much time as possible to make your trip and remember that you’re going to get there anyway, so make the trip safe. Be resilient and don’t overreact to other drivers’ mistakes.
  2. If someone makes an inappropriate gesture, cuts you off, or tries to pull you into some kind of action, don’t react. If necessary, slow down or change your route to avoid the other driver’s anger. You have no control over their behavior. However, you can manage your reaction.
  3. If you notice the another driver starting to show signs of aggression, leave space between your vehicles and avoid eye contact. Don’t engage in the exchange of hand signs or profanity.
  4. Lead by example and show courtesy and politeness on the road. Let your intentions be known. Use turn signals, don’t follow too closely behind the vehicle in front of you, don’t hang around too much in the passing lane, don’t hog the lane, and drive at a steady speed.
  5. A driver who has not had enough sleep will be more irritable and may get carried away more easily. Hunger also has a negative effect on mood, ever been ‘Hangry”? Good rest and good nutrition help you stay calm in the face of bad situations on the road.
  6. If there is a conflict and it seems it may get out of hand, call 911 immediately. Be sure to lock your doors and close your windows. Never get out of your vehicle to try to calm the person who is angry with you. Just wait for the police to arrive. Write down the vehicle’s license plate number, make, type, and color. This will greatly assist the police if the suspect leaves the scene before they arrive.

Behind the wheel – ANGER is one letter away from DANGER.

Marty Pollock, Director of Safety

Tennessee Trucking Association

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