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The inaugural “Let the Good Times Roll” bowling event raised just over $5,000 for the Tennessee Trucking Foundation. The Young Professionals Council organized and hosted the fundraiser on March 30th. Jessie Merritt, the current YPC Chairman says, “We hope this grows to be as successful as our annual Top Golf fundraiser in October, which benefits…

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The Tennessee Trucking Association’s Young Professionals Council had an excellent Q2 meeting on June 14, 2022. Our panelists discussed creative solutions to retain drivers and all employees, balancing remote work vs. office time, vendor relationships, and the next generation of leaders. Thanks to all who attended the executive panel discussion and a huge thanks to…

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Adams and Reese Legislative Update – 6-1-2022

With the legislature adjourning several days ago, we thought now would be a good opportunity to bring you up to date on the revision of the towing statute that is PC 826. This was primarily sponsored by Senator Bailey and co-sponsored by Senators Powers and Stevens in the Senate and primarily sponsored by Representative Marsh…

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