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Adams and Reese Legislative Report 1-20-2021

Guide to the Biden Administration and the 117th Congress


Please find two documents that members of our Federal Government Relations Team put together to help our clients and friends navigate the First 100 Days of the Biden Administration.

In addition to the Guide, the GR Team also prepared a Congressional Calendar for the upcoming year.

We will continue to keep you updated. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact a member of the Tennessee Adams and Reese Government Relations Team below.

Adams and Reese

Over the past several months, the Adams and Reese Government Relations team has sent out various alerts regarding the outbreak of COVID-19 and how it may affect the way in which you do business. We have compiled a list on our website. Click here to view the Adams and Reese Crisis Response and Preparedness webpage

Guilford F. ThorntonBrad A. LampleyC. Dale AllenClayton ByrdHolly L. McDaniel

Special Assistance Provided By Sabrina Huffman

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