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TSC Competition Cancelled for 2021

We have met with our TDC & TSC committees and have been in discussion with the ATA.  This year still has so many unknowns.  The TDC & TSC Committee, Donna England & I, in a unanimous agreement, have decided it is in the best interest of our Members, for us to cancel the Tennessee Truck Driving Championships & Technician Skills Competition for this year.  The ATA has also cancelled the National Truck Driving Championships for 2021 

As difficult as this decision obviously is, the safety and well-being of our drivers and their families is most important to all of us. The motto of the Tennessee Trucking Association is Safely Keeping Tennessee on the Move, and, in keeping with that, we have made this decision.
Our drivers & technicians are the backbone of our country and we are so proud of the job they do every day. Technicians making sure the trucks are ready to go and our drivers delivering the essentials. We certainly recognize the hard work that all of your drivers have put in over the course of the last 12 months to keep their accident-free miles driven intact, and, we encourage them to continue these efforts so they can be eligible for our competition in 2022. Please thank your drivers & technicians for everything that they have done to keep our nation and our state adequately supplied through this pandemic.
To every member of the Tennessee Trucking Association, thank you for your efforts as well. If you have any questions, please reach out to Donna or myself. We hope that you, your employee’s and their families stay safe and healthy.
We will look forward to next years competitions!
Dave Huneryager, President & CEO
Donna England, VP of Safety & Member Services
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