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CISA Guidance Template Letter for Company Drivers, Shared by ATA

A few have requested a template of a letter/notice for drivers to carry in their cabs that spells out “Truck Drivers have been designated as essential critical infrastructure workers by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency”.

Be advised, the use of this or any other similar type letter is NOT required anywhere, but it may come in handy for a driver especially when dealing with law enforcement personnel not overly familiar with industry practices and trying to enforce something like a local “shelter-in-place” declaration. Again, this is not required by any jurisdiction and it is not a “Get of jail free” type card either.

Feel free to use but be sure to emphasize that this is just an explanation of the industry’s status under the CISA guidance. Keep in mind also, the CISA Guidance is not law so, as best they can, companies and drivers need to work together to keep their drivers aware of the rules, regulations, declarations of jurisdictions in which the vehicle will be traveling. 


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