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YPC First Quarterly Meeting 2019

The YPC met at the TTA on March 3, 2019.

Several board members provided updates on projects in the works for YPC members.

Edward Coble /// Updates

McGavock High School Academies  – McGavock High School has a curriculum/pathway for students interested in Transportation/Auto/Diesel. Recruiting the next generation of talent is important to our mission. We’re in research gathering mode, looking for schools with vocational applications in curriculum.  Patrick and Edward did a tour, got an idea of what they had going on, what a partnership could look like. YPC ideally is hoping to do one event per quarter, still looking for ideas how what that would look like. Potentially having kids visiting our locations, having YPC members visit their schools. PENCIL is the accountability organization to fulfill partnership, protects responsibilities for all parties. We had a good discussion with McGavock and PENCIL representatives.

SAVE THE DATE: May 17, Spring Wing Fling  at McGavock. There is potential for us to participate, we will discuss more going forward.

SAVE THE DATE: August 10, 2019, Give Back Day. YPC members will be serving breakfast at Nashville Rescue Mission in the Gulch.

Patrick Mendenhall /// Updates

SAVE THE DATE: Sounds Game – July 30, 2019. We will be sending a link to purchase tickets in a few weeks. Until then, we have sponsorship opportunities available. Talk to Patrick if interested!

Quarterly Meetings at TTA office, lunchtime. – The YPC will be holding quarterly meetings at the TTA office in Nashville. Members could choose to host, have the meeting at your location, talk about what you do, etc. Cater lunch.  Holly sent out calendar invites for these future dates to get them on your calendar, location will be TBD depending on potential hosts…

  • June 4th 11 am
  • September 5 11 am
  • December 10 11 am

SAVE THE DATE: Top Golf Event — October 7, 2019 – Joe Fischer heading up this activity. Sarah, Taylor, Darcie, Morgan will also be managing this event.

(ReCap) Bill Reed Scholarship is a great situation, we’re fortunate and honored to have such support!

SAVE THE DATE: Call on Nashville – April 3, 2019

Rob Marsh is POC (Point of Contact) coordinating with Dave Huneyager/TTA on agenda items. That agenda has been sent out to members. We have 9-12 YPC members attending.

SAVE THE DATE: Call on Washington – April 29 -May 1, 2019

TTA leadership has a scholarship, in honor of Bill Reed Jr. of Skyline Transportation that will cover travel costs for one attendee. This will be awarded annually, TTA still working on process details. Application process likely to be 250 words covering why you’d like to attend.

Volunteer Opportunities

Please Email Donna to sign up for volunteering opportunities:

By-Laws Update

By-laws are current, how we select who’s in what positions, what would happen if someone need to relieve themselves. Remaining process is adding new members. Membership is open to all TTA members, with referral process of current member. Have prospect attend a meeting to see if its a good fit. Have them then fill out the application on the website.

Holly Czuba /// Updates

  • YPC Banner: Design Updated – Purchased, arrived and available for events.
  • Google Group: Listserv created to email members, members have been sent email address.
  • New Members can APPLY at the link on the TTA Website
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